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Teacher Funding Requests

Click here for Request for Funds Form & Guidelines
Past Historical Requests 2021-2022

Monthly teacher recognition.
125 license plate covers give to students who purchased a parking sticker.
$1000 donated to the Special Education Department to purchase desks for students.  
$500 donated to the Freshman Mentor Program
October 2021 Teacher Luncheon 
9 NCHS Iron Pride spirit wear shirts donated to grade school teachers
$2000 in miscellaneous gift cards give to the student population
$100 donation in spirit wear to NCHS After Prom
$1000 donated to Big Macs for Seniors/a partnership with McDonalds
$1450 to the Theatre Club for LED lights in the auditorium
$500 to Student Support Systems 
$2500 in scholarships to five NCHS 2022 Seniors
$650 for the Hugh O'Brien Youth Leadership (HOBY) seminar 
$960 to Health Occupations Student Group (HOSA) International Competition  
May 2022 Teacher Luncheon

Donated 400 items of spiritwear to our incoming Freshmen.
Donated 255 items of spiritwear to our counseling office for new students.
Awarded $2500 in scholarships to Seniors.
Provided giftcards and other encouragement to our teachers and staff.
Provided 60 giftcards to the counseling office to distribute to members of the Freshmen, Sophomore and Junior class.
Provided 23 giftcards to the College & Career office to distribute to the Seniors.
Provided Teacher Luncheon from Jason’s Deli to the entire staff.  


August 2019
Gift cards to Officer Flood and his assistants
Flowers and thank you note to the front desk staff at NCHS
Cookies and refreshments at the August 22, 2019 open house
$500 to Personal Investment and Finance class for H&R Block Budget Challenge
September 2019
Basket of goodies to the Cafeteria Staff
October 2019
Teacher luncheon 
Basket of goodies to the custodian staff
January 2020
$500 for NCHS Wind ensemble performance at Chicago International Music Festival
$550 to Hugh O'Brien Youth Leadership
February 2020
Valentine's Day giveaway to teachers with movie tickets and restaurant gift card
Evans PTO - Evans Junior High Trivia night - Spirit Wear donation of approximately $100
April 2020 
Graduation signs purchased for all the seniors and retiring teachers $2,000
May 2020
Scholarship to 6 seniors totaling $3,000
Floor mats for the front of the school $5,150

2011-2012 Funds Granted - Total $1,925
Parking Lot Safety - Spirit Store Gift Certificate
Mix It Up Day / Diversity Lunch
CI Special Education Program
Frames for Artwork - Children's Advocacy Fundraiser
SSP Group
Science Department
After Prom
2010-2011 Funds Granted - Total $
Battle of the Bands T-Shirts
Parking Lot Safety - Spirit Store Gift Certificate
Bio-Tech - Genetic Engineering Kits
Special Education Program
Alternative Energy Windmill Project
Mix It Up Day / Diversity Lunch
HOBY - Youth Leadership Program
SCL Program
2009-2010 Funds Granted - Total = more than $7,200
Battle of Band T-Shirts
Student Support Program
NCHS Student Council - Attendance at IASC Meeting
Self Contained Student Program
Mix It Up Day / Diversity Lunch / Ice Cream Sundae Bar
New Student Breakfast
Competitive Cheer Squad
Rats for Dissection
Wrestling Team - Warm-Ups and Singlets
Self Contained Program
National Honor Society
NCHS Track Shorts
Hugh O'Brian Leadership Award (for two students)
Student Support Program
Gay Straight Alliance
AP Biology - Fetal Pigs
Recycling Bin / Girl Scout Project
3 Recycle Bins and Annual Fee